Piano By Ear Newest Titles
Here are the newest Piano by Ear titles
Fugue no. 5 in D BWV 850 (Late Intermediate)
by J. S. Bach. BWV 850 from the book The Well Tempered Clavier. This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this Fugue no. 5 in D Major by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique. This lesson contains over 2 hours of high-quality detailed instruction.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
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CD Fugue 5 in D
Prelude no. 5 in D BWV 850 (Late Intermediate)
by J. S. Bach from the book The Well Tempered Clavier. This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this Prelude no. 5 in D Major by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique. This lesson includes almost a full hour of high quality and detailed instruction.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
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CD Prelude 5 in D
Prelude no. 4 in C#m BWV 849 (Late Intermediate)
Prelude 4 in C#m Lesson Sample
by J. S. Bach from the book The Well Tempered Clavier. This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this Prelude no. 4 in C Sharp minor by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique. This lesson includes over a full hour of high quality and detailed instruction.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
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CD Prelude 4 in C#m
Fugue no. 4 in C#m BWV 849 (Late Intermediate)
by J. S. Bach. BWV 849 from the book The Well Tempered Clavier. This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this Fugue no. 4 in C Sharp minor by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique. This lesson contains over 2 hours of high-quality detailed instruction.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
Download Fugue 4 in C#m
CD Fugue 4 in C#m
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Early Intermediate)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Song Sample
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Lesson Sample
In this all-audio lesson you will learn a piano solo of the Elton John hit "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" completely by ear.
The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song for you to listen to and play along with while you are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated. This lesson uses no print or video and is taught completely "By Ear."
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an early intermediate level.
Download Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
CD Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Morning Mood Opus 46 no. 1 (Late Intermediate)
Morning Mood by Grieg Lesson Sample
by Edvard Grieg. From Peer Gynt Suite.
This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this complex yet peaceful piece by Grieg completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
Download Morning Mood by Grieg
CD Morning Mood by Grieg
Arietta Opus 12-1 (Late Intermediate)
Arietta by Grieg Lesson Sample
By Edvard Grieg. From Lyric Pieces book 1.
This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this simple, yet technical, arietta completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
Download Arietta by Grieg
CD Arietta by Grieg
Prelude no. 3 in C Sharp BWV 848 (Late Intermediate)
Prelude no. 3 in C Sharp Sample
Prelude no. 3 in C Sharp Lesson Sample
by J. S. Bach. BWV 848 from the book The Well Tempered Clavier.
This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this Prelude no. 3 in C Sharp by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
Download Prelude no. 3 in C Sharp Bach
CD Prelude no. 3 in C Sharp
Fugue no. 3 in C Sharp BWV 848 (Late Intermediate)
Fugue no. 3 in C Sharp Lesson Sample
by J. S. Bach. BWV 848 from the book The Well Tempered Clavier.
This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this Fugue no. 3 in C Sharp by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
Download Fugue no. 3 in C Sharp Bach
CD Fugue no. 3 in C Sharp
June from "Seasons" by Tchaichovsky (Late Intermediate)
June from Seasons Lesson Sample
by Tchaichovsky from Seasons (Op. 37a, No. 6).
This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this Piece from the series "Seasons" by Tchaichovsky completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique.
This song is rated at an intermediate level and contains over 2 hours of high quality instruction.
Download June from Seasons
CD June from Seasons
Fugue no. 2 in C minor BWV 847 (Late Intermediate)
Fugue no. 2 in Cm Lesson Sample
by J. S. Bach. BWV 847 from the book The Well Tempered Clavier.
This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this Prelude in Cm by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
Download Fugue no. 2 in Cm Bach
CD Fugue no. 2 in Cm Bach
Prelude no. 2 in C minor BWV 847 (Late Intermediate)
Prelude no. 2 in Cm Lesson Sample
by J. S. Bach. BWV 847 from the book The Well Tempered Clavier.
This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this Prelude in Cm by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique.
This song is rated at an late intermediate level.
Download Prelude no. 2 in Cm Bach
CD Prelude no. 2 in Cm Bach
Bella's Lullaby (Early Intermediate Piano Solo)
This intimate piano piece from the Twilight Series is fast and easy to learn in this Piano By Ear lesson!
The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song for you to listen to and play along with while you are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated. This lesson uses no print or video and is taught completely "By Ear."
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an early intermediate level.
Download Bella's Lullaby
CD Bella's Lullaby
Rocket Man (Intermediate Piano Solo)
Elton John's hit "Rocket Man" makes a great piano solo and in this lesson you will learn it completely "By Ear!"
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated. This lesson includes over one hour of detailed high-quality instruction.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an intermediate level.
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CD Rocket Man
Escape (Doubtfire)
Escape (Doubtfire) Lesson Sample
In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn "Escape" by Kilgore Doubtfire completely "By Ear" without any music, print or video.
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated. This lesson includes over one hour of detailed high-quality instruction.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an intermediate level.
Download Escape (Doubtfire)
CD Escape (Doubtfire)
Dream (Yiruma)
In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn "Dream" by Yiruma completely "By Ear" without any music, print or video.
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated. This lesson includes over one hour of detailed high-quality instruction.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an early intermediate level.
Download Dream (Yiruma)
CD Dream (Yiruma)
Nuvole Bianche (Einaudi)
Nuvole Bianche (Einaudi) Sample
Nuvole Bianche (Einaudi) Lesson Sample
In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn "Nuvole Bianche" (White Clouds) by Ludovico Einaudi completely "By Ear" without any music, print or video.
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated. This lesson includes over one and half hours of detailed high-quality instruction.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an early intermediate level.
Download Nuvole Bianche (Einaudi)
CD Nuvole Bianche (Einaudi)
Golden Hour (Piano Solo)
This amazing hit by Jake makes an impressive and fun piano solo and you can learn it completely "By Ear!" This lesson is taught in an all-audio format without print, music or video.
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at a intermediate level.
Download Golden Hour
CD Golden Hour
In Un'Altra Vita (Einaudi)
In Un'Altra Vita (Einaudi) Sample
In Un'Altra Vita (Einaudi) Lesson Sample
In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn "In Un'Altra Vita" by Ludovico Einaudi completely "By Ear" without any music, print or video.
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated. This lesson includes over 2 hours of detailed instruction.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at a intermediate level.
Download In Un'Altra Vita (Einaudi)
CD In Un'Altra Vita (Einaudi)
Fly (Einaudi)
In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn Einaudi's "Fly" completely "By Ear" without any music, print or video.
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at a late intermediate level.
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CD Fly (Einaudi)
Oltremare (Einaudi)
In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn Einaudi's "Oltremare" completely "By Ear" without any music, print or video.
This song is over 10 minutes long but you will learn every note of it in this lesson.
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at a late intermediate level.
Download Oltremare
CD Oltremare
I Giorni (Einaudi)
In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn Einaudi's "I Giorni" completely "By Ear" without any music, print or video.
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an intermediate level.
Time Forgets (Yiruma)
In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn Yiruma's "Time Forgets" completely "By Ear" without any music, print or video.
The lesson starts with a demonstration recording of the song for the student to listen to and play along with while they are learning the song in an all-audio format with each note and finger being described and demonstrated.
Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an early intermediate level.
Download Time Forgets
CD Time Forgets
When the Love Falls (Yiruma)
When the Love Falls Lesson Sample
Yiruma's take on this French pop song (Qui a tué Grand' Maman ) captures the longing and nostalgia of the original writer's lyrics while adding Yiruma's signature flavor. In this lesson you will learn Yiruma's early intermediate level solo completely "By Ear," with every note and its fingering described in detail while being demonstrated.
This song is taught in an all-audio format without print or video.
A demonstration of the song is played at the beginning of the lesson and then you are taught how to play it in two to four measure sections completely "By Ear." Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an early intermediate level.
Download When the Love Falls
CD When the Love Falls
The Rose (Late Intermediate)
"The Rose" became an overnight sensation when Bette Midler made the original recording of it. In this lesson you will learn a late intermediate level of the song completely "By Ear." This arrangement starts off simply and then progresses in complexity through a total of 3 different keys.
This song is taught in an all-audio format without print or video.
A demonstration of the song is played at the beginning of the lesson and then you are taught how to play it in two to four measure sections with the instructor describing every note and finger used to play the song. Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at a late intermediate level.
Edelweiss (Early Intermediate)
"Edelweiss" became the new national song of Austria once the movie The Sound of Music brought it to the screen. This easy to play arrangement captures the emotional tone of the song without adding too much complexity and in this "By Ear" lesson you will learn this song without the use of music, print or video.
The arrangement is played at the beginning of the lesson and then you are taught the song in two to four measure sections with the instructor describing every note and finger used to play the song. Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an early intermediate level.
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CD Edelweiss
A Whole New World (Intermediate)
A Whole New World Lesson Sample
This theme from the movie Aladdin makes for a fun and upbeat piano solo! In this "By Ear" lesson you will learn this exciting song without the use of music, print or video.
The arrangement is played at the beginning of the lesson and then you are taught the song in two to four measure sections with the instructor describing every note and finger used to play the song. Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated at an intermediate level.
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CD A Whole New World
The Lord's Prayer (Late Beginner)
The Lord's Prayer Lesson Sample
This "all-audio" lesson will teach you a late beginner level arrangement of "The Lord's Prayer" completely "By Ear." The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then talks you through the entire song, describing every note and fingering, without music, print or video. This is the fastest way to learn a song and you memorize it while you are learning it.
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CD The Lord's Prayer
Noelle's Theme (Late Intermediate/Early Advanced)
This theme from the movie The Other Side of Midnight makes a powerful and emotional piano solo! In this "By Ear" lesson you will learn this beautiful solo without the use of music, print or video.
The arrangement is played at the beginning of the lesson and then you are taught the song in two to four measure sections with the instructor describing every note and finger used to play the song. Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated as a late intermediate to early advanced level.
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CD Noelle's Theme
In This Life (Late Intermediate/Early Advanced)
Another timeless ballad makes another great piano solo! Bette Midler and Collin Raye brought this song to the attention of the world and it has been redone a countless number of times since then. In this "By Ear" lesson you will learn this beautiful solo without the use of music, print or video.
The arrangement is played at the beginning of the lesson and then you are taught the song in two to four measure sections with the instructor describing every note and finger used to play the song. Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated as a late intermediate to early advanced level.
Download In This Life
CD In This Life
Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Late Intermediate)
Can You Feel the Love Tonight Sample
Can You Feel the Love Tonight Lesson Sample
This Elton John hit from "The Lion King" makes a powerful piano solo and this arrangement is taught completely "By Ear" without music or video.
The arrangement is played at the beginning of the lesson and then you are taught the song in two to four measure sections with the instructor describing every note and finger used to play the song. Learning this way causes you to memorize the song as you learn it.
This song is rated as a late intermediate level.
Download Can You Feel the Love Tonight
CD Can You Feel the Love Tonight
Open Arms (Late Intermediate)
The band Journey made this beautiful ballad immortal with the help of Steve Perry's unique vocal talents. This easy to learn arrangement is a late intermediate level solo of this 70's hit and in this lesson you will learn it completely "By Ear!" The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song and then teaches the song in two to four measures sections. Every note and finger is described as well as any performance techniques that could be useful.
This lesson uses no print or video and is taught completely "By Ear."
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CD Open Arms
I Will Always Love You (Early Advanced)
I Will Always Love You Lesson Sample
This hit by Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston makes a powerful piano solo. This arrangement is a late intermediate to advanced level solo of this unforgettable 70's and 80's hit and in this lesson you will learn it completely "By Ear!" The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song and then teaches the song in two to four measures sections. Every note and finger is described as well as any performance techniques that could be useful.
This lesson uses no print or video and is taught completely "By Ear."
Download I Will Always Love You
CD I Will Always Love You
Send in the Clowns (Early Advanced)
Send in the Clowns Lesson Sample
Judy Collins brought this Stephen Soundheim hit to the mainstream music world and it has lived on ever since. In this all-audio lesson you will learn a late intermediate/early advanced arrangement of the song "Send in the Clowns" without using music, print or video. The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song and then teaches the song in two to four measures sections. Every note and finger is described as well as any performance techniques that could be useful.
This song is considered to be late intermediate to early advanced level.
Download Send in the Clowns
CD Send in the Clowns
Part of Your World (Early Advanced)
Part of Your World Lesson Sample
In this all-audio lesson you will learn a late intermediate/early advanced arrangement of the song "Part of Your World" from the Disney movie "Little Mermaid." The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song and then teaches the song in two to four measures sections. Every note and finger is described as well as any performance techniques and hacks that could be useful.
This lesson uses on print or video and teaches completely "By Ear."
This song is considered to be late intermediate to early advanced level.
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CD Part of Your World
Everything I Do (I Do it For You)
This lesson teaches an arrangement of the Bryan Adam's hit from the movie "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves." This 90's love ballad is fast and easy to learn because you will learn it by ear without using any print or video. Learning this way allows you to memorize the song while you are learning it.
The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then, like in all of our By Ear lessons, Bill Brown breaks the song down into two to four measure sections describing every finger and note used as well as any tricks in execution that may be useful.
This song is considered to be late intermediate to early advanced level.
Download Everything I Do
CD Everything I Do
Colors of the Wind (from "Pocahantas")
Colors of the Wind Lesson Sample
This is an arrangement of the unforgettable song from Disney's "Pocohantas." This arrangement captures the simplicity of the song's message and then builds into a full sixteenth note arpeggio bed with a broad and full right hand melody. This will be a favorite for everyone you play it for.
The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then, like in all of our By Ear lessons, Bill Brown breaks the song down into two to four measure sections describing every finger and note used as well as any tricks in execution that may be useful.
This song is considered to be late intermediate to early advanced level.
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CD Colors of the Wind
Anne's Theme (from "Anne of Green Gables")
"Anne of Green Gables" was a powerful and unforgettable TV series that has entertained generation after generation. This song, "Anne's Theme," has also endured the passage of time with it's passionate melody and flowing chord progression.
The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then, like in all of our By Ear lessons, Bill Brown breaks the song down into two to four measure sections describing every finger and note used as well as any tricks in execution that may be useful.
This song is considered to be late intermediate to early advanced level.
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CD Anne's Theme
Arthur's Theme (Advanced Solo)
The movie "Arthur" with Dudley Moore spawned a multitude of one-line comebacks as well as this timeless ballad. The song, also known as "best that you can do," is built around a clever chord progression which Bill Brown discusses as part of the lesson.
The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then, like in all of our By Ear lessons, Bill Brown breaks the song down into two to four measure sections describing every finger and note used as well as any tricks in execution that may be useful.
This song is considered to be late intermediate to early advanced level.
Download Arthur's Theme
CD Arthur's Theme
The Greatest Love of All (Advanced Solo)
The Greatest Love Lesson Sample
In this "By Ear" lesson you will learn this inspirational hit made famous by Whitney Houston without music, print or video. This advanced level lesson starts off with a full demonstration of the arrangement and then teaches the entire song in two to four measure sections describing every note and finger used. When you learn by ear it is faster and easier than using music and you memorize the song as you go.
Advanced Level
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CD The Greatest Love
The Prayer (Advanced Solo)
This iconic hit made famous by the likes of Bocelli and Celine Dion makes a powerful piano solo and you can learn this one completely "By Ear!" The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the arrangement and then teaches it in two to four measure sections without print or video.
Advanced Level
Download The Prayer
CD The Prayer
Waltz Op 39 No. 15 (Brahms)
Waltz Op 39 No 15 Lesson Sample
This is the original composition (not an arrangement) of Brahms Waltz in A flat (Op 39 no 16) from the collection called Sixteen Waltzes for Piano. The piece is demonstrated fully and then taught completely "by ear," slowly describing every note and finger used to play the song and any useful performance techniques.
Early Intermediate Level
Download Waltz Op 39 No 15
CD Waltz Op 39 No 15
Music Box Dancer (Frank Mills)
Music Box Dancer Lesson Sample
This Frank Mills hit is fast and easy to learn "By Ear" in this all-audio lesson. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the arrangement and then teaches the song in two to four measure sections without using any print or video. You are talked through the lesson with the teacher describing every note and finger used. Any useful performance techniques are also described. Because you are learning the song "By Ear" you memorize it as you go through the lesson.
Download Music Box Dancer
CD Music Box Dancer
Butterfly Waltz (Brian Cain)
Brian Cain's simple but delightful piece is fast and easy to learn in this "By Ear" lesson. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the arrangement and then teaches the song in two to four measure sections without using any print or video. You are talked through the lesson with the teacher describing every note and finger used. Any useful performance techniques are also described. Because you are learning the song "By Ear" you memorize it as you go through the lesson.
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CD Butterfly Waltz
Waltz in C#m Op 64 no. 2 (Chopin)
Intermediate Level. This is the original composition (not an arrangement) of Chopin's Waltz in C#m. The piece is demonstrated fully and then taught completely "by ear," slowly describing every note and finger used to play the song and any useful performance techniques.
Download Waltz in C#m
CD Waltz in C#m
Mandy (Intermediate Solo)
Barry Manilow made this song an overnight hit and it still endures today as a great love song with moving insightful lyrics and melody. In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn an intermediate level piano solo of this 70's hit completely "By Ear." The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song and then teaches the song without music, print or video in two to four measure sections. On each track every note and finger is described and demonstrated in small sections making it easy to navigate through the lesson. Because you are learning the song "By Ear" you memorize it as you go through the lesson.
Lake Erie Rainfall (Jim Brickman)
Lake Erie Rainfall Song Sample
Lake Erie Rainfall Lesson Sample
(Intermediate Solo) Jim Brickman's meditative piano style has set the standard for this genre for decades. In this lesson you will learn "Lake Erie Rainfall," in its entirety, in two to four measure sections completely "By Ear." This all-audio lesson works you through the song, describing every note and finger used to play the piece, without using print or video of any kind. The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song that the student can use as a reference recording to listen to while they are learning to play the piece.
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CD Lake Erie Rainfall
Sudden Inspiration (Jim Brickman)
Sudden Inspiration Song Sample
Sudden Inspiration Lesson Sample
(Intermediate Solo) This Jim Brickman piece is taught in two to four measure sections describing every note and finger used to play the song. The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song that the student can use as a reference recording to listen to while they are learning to play the piece. After the demonstration the song is taught completely "By Ear" without any print or video.
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CD Sudden Inspiration
Colour My World (Early Intermediate)
The group Chicago first released this hit around 1970 and it has been a permanent fixture in the soft rock landscape ever since. In this audio-book lesson you will learn every note to this early intermediate level arrangement in two to four measure sections completely "By Ear," without using any print or video. Fingering and any unusual performance techniques are described in detail as well.
The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song to reference while you are learning this arrangement.
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CD Colour My World
Stairway to Heaven (Early Intermediate)
Stairway to Heaven Song Sample
Stairway to Heaven Lesson Sample
This iconic hit from Led Zeppelin makes a very musical piano solo and you will learn this one completely "By Ear" without music, print or video. In this audio-book lesson you will learn every note to this early intermediate level arrangement in two to four measure sections. Fingering and any unusual performance techniques are described in detail as well.
The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song to reference while you are learning this arrangement.
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CD Stairway to Heaven
From This Moment On (Late Intermediate)
From This Moment On Song Sample
From This Moment On Lesson Sample
Shania Twain originally delivered this hit to the world and the song became locked in our cultural mind almost immediately. This late intermediate level arrangement captures all of the magic of the original including the meter changes and the two key modulations. Also, the left hand gets an opportunity to show off in the last chorus with extended arpeggios reminiscent of a Chopin Nocturne.
This all-audio lesson begins with a complete demonstration of the piece and then talks you through the entire arrangement, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song.
Download From This Moment On
CD From This Moment On
Night Train (Oscar Peterson)
"Night Train" is a standard that's been around since the 1950's but Oscar Peterson's rendition will be timeless, especially among those who love jazz! This lesson begins with a complete demonstration of the piece and then talks you through the entire arrangement, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. This lesson also teaches the piano "comp" part that Oscar plays under the bass solo. FULL DEMONSTRATION AND BACKING TRACKS ARE INCLUDED!!!
Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track.
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CD Night Train
Little Star (Jim Brickman)
"Little Star" is a modern version of "theme and variation" layered upon a childhood tune everyone will recognize. Jim Brickman's arrangement starts with a simple version of the song and then builds on it in complexity and style creating a delightful adventure for the listener. This song is also great to learn because the student will learn several chord arpeggio variations for the left hand that are currently being used in most "neo-classical" piano arrangements. This lesson begins with a complete demonstration of the piece and then talks you through the entire arrangement, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track.
Early Intermediate level
Download Little Star
CD Little Star
Feather Theme (from Forrest Gump)
"Feather Theme," from the movie Forrest Gump, is probably one of the most recognizable piano pieces in pop culture. This arrangement captures the simplicity of the movie right away and then develops a more complex texture in the left-hand to capture the essence of time passing by underneath the simple melodic theme. This lesson begins with a complete demonstration of the piece and then talks you through the entire arrangement, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track.
Early Intermediate level
Download Feather Theme
CD Feather Theme
Peaches Etude (Finneas)
Finneas Baird O'Connell, better known as Finneas, is a multi-talented singer-songwriter, producer, and actor who has written and produced music for many artists, including his sister, Billie Eilish. This instrumental piece captures all of the modern motifs of neo-classical piano and is not that difficult to learn "by ear." This lesson begins with a complete demonstration of the piece and then talks you through the entire arrangement, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track.
Early Intermediate level
Download Peaches Etude
CD Peaches Etude
Love Me (Yiruma)
Yiruma's moving ballad is easy to learn in this "By Ear" lesson. The lesson begins with a complete demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track.
Early Intermediate level
Spring Time (Yiruma)
This upbeat and poly-rhythmic piece is taught completely "By Ear" in this all-audio lesson. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track.
Intermediate level
Download Spring Time
CD Spring Time
If I Could See You Again (Yiruma)
If I Could See You Again Song Sample
If I Could See You Again Lesson Sample
In this "all-audio" lesson you will learn the instrumental ballad, "If I Could See You Again," by Yiruma, completely "By Ear." The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track.
Download If I Could See You Again
CD If I Could See You Again
Joy (Yiruma)
This "all-audio" lesson will teach you "Joy," by Yiruma, completely "By Ear." The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track.
All My Life (Early Intermediate Solo)
Based upon the hit by K-Ci and Jo Jo, this intermediate level solo is taught all of the way through completely "By Ear." The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the solo and then breaks the entire arrangement down in two to four measure sections, describing every finger and note used to play the song. When you learn "by ear" you memorize the song as you learn it and you develop your ability to pick our other songs "by ear."
Download All My Life
CD All My Life
May Be (Yiruma)
This "all-audio" lesson will teach you "May Be," by Yiruma, completely "By Ear." The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track. Intermediate Level
The Day After (Intermediate)
In this "all-audio" lesson you will learn "The Day After," by Yiruma, completely "By Ear." The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track.
Download The Day After
CD The Day After
We Don't Talk About Bruno (Early Intermediate)
We Don't Talk About Bruno Song Sample
We Don't Talk About Bruno Lesson Sample
This catchy tune from the Disney movie Encanto makes a fun and entertaining solo, especially when you play along with the included backing tracks! The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track of this audiobook lesson breaks down the song in two to four measure sections to make it easier to navigate through this "By Ear" tutorial. This lesson uses no music, print or video and is taught entirely in an all-audio format. Also, when you learn a song "By Ear" you memorize it while you are learning it.
Learn by ear, play by ear.
Download We Don't Talk About Bruno
CD We Don't Talk About Bruno
I (Yiruma)
This Yiruma piece is taught completely "By Ear" in this audiobook lesson that uses no music, print or video. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track. Also, when you learn a song "By Ear" you memorize it while you are learning it. Learn by ear, play by ear.
Download I by Yiruma
CD I by Yiruma
27 May (Yiruma)
In this all-audio lesson you will learn "27 May" by Yiruma completely "By Ear" without the use of music, print or video. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track. Also, when you learn a song "By Ear" you memorize it while you are learning it. Learn by ear, play by ear.
Legends of the Fall (Early Intermediate Solo)
Legends of the Fall Song Sample
Legends of the Fall Lesson Sample
In this "By Ear" lesson you will learn a piano solo version of "Legends of the Fall" from the movie of the same name. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song.
Download Legends of the Fall
CD Legends of the Fall
Kiss the Rain (Yiruma)
In this all-audio lesson you will learn "Kiss the Rain" by Yiruma completely "By Ear" without the use of music, print or video. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track. Also, when you learn a song "By Ear" you memorize it while you are learning it. Learn by ear, play by ear.
Download Kiss the Rain
CD Kiss the Rain
The Star Spangled Banner (Late Beginner)
Star Spangled Banner LB Song Sample
Star Spangled Banner LB Lesson Sample
In this "all-audio" lesson you will learn a late beginner arrangement of Francis Scott Key's "The Star Spangled Banner." The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then talks you through the entire song, describing every note and fingering, without music, print or video. This is the fastest way to learn a song and you memorize it while you are learning it.
Download Star Spangled Banner LB
CD Star Spangled Banner LB
Sonata in C Allegro K545 (Mozart)
Sonata in C Allegro Song Sample
Sonata in C Allegro Lesson Sample
Intermediate Level. This is the original composition (not an arrangement) of Mozart's first movement from Piano Sonata No. 16 in C (K545). The song is demonstrated fully and then taught completely "by ear" describing every note and finger used to play the song.
The other two movements from this Sonata are also available.
Download Sonata in C Allegro
CD Sonata in C Allegro
Sonata in C Andante K545 (Mozart)
Sonata in C Andante Song Sample
Sonata in C Andante Lesson Sample
Intermediate Level. (Download) This is the original composition (not an arrangement) of Mozart's second movement from Piano Sonata No. 16 in C (K545). The song is demonstrated fully and then taught completely "by ear" describing every note and finger used to play the song.
The other two movements from this Sonata are also available.
Download Sonata in C Andante
CD Sonata in C Andante
Sonata in C Rondo K545 (Mozart)
Sonata in C Rondo Lesson Sample
Intermediate Level. This is the original composition (not an arrangement) of Mozart's third movement from Piano Sonata No. 16 in C (K545). The song is demonstrated fully and then taught completely "by ear" describing every note and finger used to play the song.
The other two movements from this Sonata are also available.
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CD Sonata in C Rondo
Do You (Yiruma)
In this all-audio lesson you will learn "Do You' by Yiruma completely "By Ear" without the use of music, print or video. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the solo and then talks you through the entire piece, note-by-note, in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used to play this song. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track. Also, when you learn a song "By Ear" you memorize it while you are learning it. Learn by ear, play by ear.
Wait There (Yiruma)
This melodic and loving piece by Yiruma is fast and easy to learn when you learn it by ear. This lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then talks you through every note and finger without music, print or video. Each track breaks down the song in two to four measure sections so it is easy to navigate through the lesson track by track. Also, when you learn a song "By Ear" you memorize it while you are learning it. Learn by ear, play by ear.
Download Wait There
CD Wait There
Easy on Me (Early Intermediate Solo)
Adele makes any song the blues and this one is no exception. This solo version of the Adele hit is taught completely "By Ear" in two to four measure sections. At the beginning Bill Brown plays through the entire arrangement for you and then works you through the entire song, note-by-note and finger-by-finger explaining every detail without music, print or video. This is the fastest way to learn a song and you memorize it as you learn it when you learn it BY EAR.
Download Easy on Me Solo
CD Easy on Me Solo
Una Mattina (Intermediate Solo)
This all-audio lesson teaches the new age hit (from the movie The Intouchables) by Ludovico Einaudi without using music, print or video. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then teaches the arrangement in two to four measure sections, describing every note and fingering. Learning "By Ear" allows you to learn the song faster and to memorize it as you go.
Download Una Mattina
CD Una Mattina
Crazy (Intermediate Solo)
In the style of Floyd Cramer. This arrangement is fully demonstrated at the beginning of the lesson and then each section is taught in two to four measure sections completely "by ear." Every finger and note is described as well as any unusual technique (the Floyd Cramer hammer-on).
Once Upon a December (from Anastasia) Early Beginner
Song Sample Once Upon a December
Lesson Sample Once Upon a December
In this All-Audio lesson you will learn a piano arrangement of "Once Upon a December" from the movie Anastasia. This arrangement starts in B minor and then modulates to C minor and then C# minor. The arrangement is fully demonstrated at the beginning of the lesson and then each section is taught in two to four measure sections completely "by ear." Every finger and note is described as well as any unusual technique or fingering.
Download Once Upon a December
CD Once Upon a December
Nocturne in Bbm Op 9 No 1 (Chopin) Early Advanced
From Three Nocturnes. This is the original composition (not an arrangement) of Chopin's Nocturne in Bbm. This particular Nocturne seems to be the beginning of a trend in Chopin's composing with the left hand keeping a consistent arpeggio pattern while the right hand seems to wander off unconcerned about the time signature. This creates a lot of 3 against 2 and 10 against 3 patterns between the left and right hands. These patterns are pointed out and discussed in detail during this lesson as they are encountered.
The song is demonstrated fully and then taught completely "by ear" describing every note and finger used to play the song.
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CD Nocturne in Bbm
Across the Stars (from Clone Wars) Late Intermediate
Lesson Sample Across the Stars
In this All-Audio lesson you will learn a piano arrangement of John Williams' composition from The Clone Wars. This arrangement takes the two main themes from the movie and weaves them into an arrangement that develops in complexity and energy and then finally winds down in a peaceful resolution. The arrangement is fully demonstrated at the beginning of the lesson and then each section is taught in two to four measure sections completely "by ear." Every finger and note is described as well as any unusual technique or fingering.
Download Across the Stars
CD Across the Stars
Easy (Commodores) Singer Pro Version
In this All-Audio lesson you will learn the actual recorded piano accompaniment part to the Commodores hit "Easy." This lesson starts with a full demonstration of the piano part, with backing tracks, and then teaches every phrase completely "by ear" using no music, print or video. At the conclusion of the lesson you are given backing tracks without any piano on them to use for practicing and performing the piece.
Download Easy SP Version
CD Easy SP Version
Star Trek Into the Darkness Medley (Early Intermediate Solo)
Lesson Sample Star Trek Medley
In this "By Ear" lesson you will learn an early intermediate level arrangement of a medley comprised of "London Calling" and "Enterprising Young Men" (The main theme from Star Trek 09). The lesson starts with a full demonstration with orchestrated backing tracks and then teaches the entire arrangement without music, print, or video. At the end of the lesson there are backing tracks without the piano part on them for you perform your newly learned arrangement with.
Download Star Trek Medley
CD Star Trek Medley
My Funny Valentine (Intermediate Solo)
Song Sample My Funny Valentine
Lesson Sample My Funny Valentine
Even though this hit made its first debut in the 1937 musical Babes in Arms it has gone on to be recorded by pop greats like Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald, as well as others. This lesson will start with a full demonstration of the arrangement and then work you through each measure completely "By Ear" using no music, print or video.
Download My Funny Valentine
CD My Funny Valentine
Modes (Intermediate)
Modes - an organic approach to discovering the seven hidden moods in every key (Intermediate) Sample Lesson Sample In this 2 hour-plus lesson Bill Brown teaches you about the different modes used in modern music in a systematic and developmental way. Rather than using the typical "scale formula" approach he takes you through a true understanding of where modes come from so that you can pull from more resources in your repertoire of melodies and improv phrases. At every phase there are demonstration tracks to listen to followed by an explanation of the different effects the modes can produce. There are also several backing tracks for the student to practice with as well as exercises and drills using the learned information.
Download Modes
CD Modes
Beautiful Dreamer (Late Intermediate Solo)
Lesson Sample Beautiful Dreamer
This melodious tune is but one of many Stephen Foster songs that have stood the test of time. In this 2 CD song lesson you will learn an arrangement that progresses in difficulty allowing the student to play the song in different meters, styles and keys. Bill Brown describes what is happening in the different sections to create the different styles while teaching the entire song completely "By Ear." The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the arrangement to listen to and practice with before teaching the entire song (every note and fingering) in two to four measure sections without using any print or video.
Download Beautiful Dreamer
CD Beautiful Dreamer
Corpse Bride Piano Duet (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Corpse Bride Piano Duet
Lesson Sample Corpse Bride Duet
Tim Burton's movies throw out a lot of strange romantic scenarios but it always delivers musically with the songs of Danny Elfman. This piano duet from Corpse Bride has been arranged at a late beginner level and is to be played by one person instead of two. The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the arrangement and then teaches the song note-by-note while describing all of the fingering and technique to execute the song properly. This lesson uses no print or video.
Download Corpse Bride Duet
CD Corpse Bride Duet
Beauty and the Beast (Intermediate Solo)
Song Sample Beauty and the Beast
Lesson Sample Beauty and the Beast
Capture a little Disney magic with this timeless tune from Beauty and the Beast! This intermediate level arrangement is fast and fun to learn and in this lesson you will learn it completely "By Ear," without video or music. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song which is then taught in two to four measure sections, describing every note and finger used.
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CD Beauty and the Beast
Green Green Grass of Home (Early Intermediate Solo)
Lesson Sample Green Green Grass
This haunting Porter Wagner hit make a wonderful piano arrangement and you can learn this one completely "by ear!" The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song followed by a detailed note-by-note description of how to play the song, including the fingering.
Download Green Green Grass
CD Green Green Grass
O Come, O Come Emmanuel (Intermediate Solo)
Song Sample O Come O Come Emmanuel
Lesson Sample O Come O Come Emmanuel
A longing sense of expectation has been captured in this song from over a thousand years ago and it still moves hearts today. In this lesson you will learn this song-of-old completely "BY EAR," using no print, music or video. The song is demonstrated in its entirety and then taught note-by-note, describing every finger and its key played to produce this remarkable hymn. .
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CD O Come O Come Emmanuel
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Intermediate Solo)
Song Sample I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Lesson Sample I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Learn this reflective Christmas carol without using any music, print or video. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the arrangement and then proceeds to teach the entire song "BY EAR," describing every note and finger used to play the song.
Download I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
CD I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree (Intermediate Solo)
Song Sample Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Lesson Sample Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Add a little Rock to your Christmas this year with this Brenda Lee hit. This Piano by Ear lesson starts with a full demonstration of the arrangement and then teaches it all the way through without any music, print or video.
Download Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
CD Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
A Holly Jolly Christmas (Early Intermediate Solo)
Song Sample A Holly Jolly Christmas
Lesson Sample A Holly Jolly Christmas
This fun and upbeat Christmas standard is an easy one to add to your repertoire when you learn it "BY EAR!" The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the arrangement followed by a detailed note-by-note description of the entire song.
Download A Holly Jolly Christmas
CD A Holly Jolly Christmas
The Church's One Foundation (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample The Church's One Foundation
Lesson Sample The Church's One Foundation
Composed by Samuel Stone in 1866, this hymn helped to serve a political purpose in Oxford England as the Anglican church was struggling with some doctrinal issues. In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this communion standard without using music, print or video. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download The Church's One Foundation
CD The Church's One Foundation
Let Us Break Bread Together on Our Knees (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Let Us Break Bread Together
Lesson Sample Let Us Break Bread Together
This traditional Methodist hymn actually has its roots with the African American slaves of America. In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this communion standard without using music, print or video. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Let Us Break Bread Together
CD Let Us Break Bread Together
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Lesson Sample Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Charles Wesley, the other half of the famous Wesley Brothers, wrote this hymn in the mid 1700's and it is unarguably his most famous song. In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Late Beginner level piano solo of this classic without using music, print or video. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Love Divine All Loves Excelling
CD Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Beneath the Cross of Jesus (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Lesson Sample Beneath the Cross of Jesus
This reflective hymn, written near Edinburgh, Scotland in the late 1800's, quickly gained popularity as declaration of faith among believers world-wide . In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Late Beginner level piano solo of this classic without using music, print or video. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Beneath the Cross of Jesus
CD Beneath the Cross of Jesus
God of Our Fathers (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample God of Our Fathers
Lesson Sample God of Our Fathers
This stately hymn from the late 1800's was written in celebration of the Declaration of Independence. In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Late Beginner level piano solo of this classic without using music, print or video. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download God of Our Fathers
CD God of Our Fathers
When Johnny Comes Marching Home (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Lesson Sample When Johnny Comes Marching Home
This traditional Civil War anthem is taught completely "by ear" in this Piano by Ear lesson. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. This is a late beginner level arrangement of the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great song and others completely "By Ear!"
Download When Johnny Comes Marching Home
CD When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Fairest Lord Jesus (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Fairest Lord Jesus Beginner
Lesson Sample Fairest Lord Jesus Beginner
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this timeless classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Fairest Lord Jesus Beginner
CD Fairest Lord Jesus Beginner
Sweet Hour of Prayer (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Sweet Hour of Prayer
Lesson Sample Sweet Hour of Prayer
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Sweet Hour of Prayer Beginner
CD Sweet Hour of Prayer Beginner
Softly and Tenderly (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Softly and Tenderly
Lesson Sample Softly and Tenderly
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Late Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Softly and Tenderly Late Beginner
CD Softly and Tenderly Late Beginner
What a Friend We Have in Jesus (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample What A Friend We Have in Jesus Beginner
Lesson Sample What A Friend We Have in Jesus Beginner
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download What A Friend We Have in Jesus Beginner
CD What A Friend We Have in Jesus Beginner
Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
Lesson Sample Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Late Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
CD Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
Crown Him With Many Crowns (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Crown Him With Many Crowns Beginner
Lesson Sample Crown Him With Many Crowns Beginner
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Crown Him With Many Crowns Beginner
CD Crown Him With Many Crowns Beginner
Glory Be To The Father - Gloria Patri (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Glory Be To the Father Beginner
Lesson Sample Glory Be To The Father Beginner
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Glory Be To The Father Beginner
CD Glory Be To The Father Beginner
Swing Low Sweet Chariot (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Swing Low Sweet Chariot Beginner
Lesson Sample Swing Low Sweet Chariot Beginner
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Late Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Swing Low Sweet Chariot Beginner
CD Swing Low Sweet Chariot Beginner
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Nobody Knows the Trouble
Lesson Sample Nobody Knows The Trouble
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Late Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
CD Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Jesus The Very Thought of Thee
Lesson Sample Jesus The Very Thought of Thee
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Jesus The Very Thought of Thee
CD Jesus The Very Thought of Thee
Nearer My God to Thee (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Nearer My God To Thee
Lesson Sample Nearer My God To Thee
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Nearer My God To Thee
CD Nearer My God To Thee
Break Thou The Bread of Life (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample Break Thou The Bread of Life
Lesson Sample Break Thou The Bread of Life
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Beginner level piano solo of this classic hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two to four measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play this great hymn completely "By Ear!"
Download Break Thou The Bread of Life
CD Break Thou The Bread of Life
When The Roll is Called Up Yonder (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample When the Roll is Called
Lesson Sample When the Roll is Called
In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn a Late Beginner level piano solo of this standard hymn. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught in two measure sections, completely by ear, describing every note and finger used to play the song. Listen to the Lesson Sample above to see just how easy it is to learn to play the piano by ear.
Download When The Roll is Called
CD When the Roll is Called
What a Wonderful World (Early Intermediate Solo)
Song Sample What a Wonderful World
Lesson Sample What a Wonderful World
In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn a piano solo arrangement of this well-loved inspirational standard completely "by ear." The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song followed by a detailed note-by-note description of how to play the song, including the fingering.
Download What a Wonderful World
CD What a Wonderful World
All Of Me (J. Legend - Singer Pro Version)
This lesson teaches the actual piano part that John Legend played on his version of the song. This allows you to accompany either a singer or melody instrument with the same accompaniment part Legend used to accompany himself. These arrangements are called "Singer Pro" versions. This lesson includes a full demonstration of the piano part followed by a detailed note-by-note description of the arrangement including fingering.
Download All of Me
CD All Of Me J. Legend
Beautiful Savior - All My Days (Early Intermediate Solo)
Lesson Sample Beautiful Savior
By Stewart Townend. In this Piano by Ear lesson you will learn an Early Intermediate piano solo arrangement of this contemporary worship song completely "by ear." The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the arrangement followed by a detailed note-by-note description of the song in two to four measure sections.
Download Beautiful Savior
CD Beautiful Savior
You Take My Breath Away (Early Intermediate Solo)
Song Sample You Take My Breath Away
Lesson Sample You Take My Breath Away
This piano solo arrangement is based on the hit by Queen and is rated at a late intermediate level of difficulty. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the piece and then teaches the entire song, note-by-note, completely "by ear."
Download You Take My Breath Away
CD You Take My Breath Away
Fugue in C BWV 846 (Early Advanced)
by J. S. Bach. BWV 846 from the book The Well Tempered Clavier. This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this 4 voice fugue by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique.
Download Fugue in C 846
CD Fugue in C 846
Ice Dance (Intermediate)
From the movie Edward Scissorhands. This lesson will teach you an intermediate level arrangement of "Ice Dance" without using music, print or video. The entire lesson is taught "by ear" describing every measure, note and fingering. A full demonstration of the arrangement is included to listen to and practice along with while you are learning to play the song.
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CD Ice Dance
In The Sweet By and By (Early Intermediate)
Song Sample In The Sweet By and By
Lesson Sample In The Sweet By and By
In this lesson you will learn this traditional hymn in two keys with three different left hand accompaniment styles. The style is explained so that you can use the techniques for other songs as well. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught completely "by ear" without music, print or video. This lesson is suitable for most adult students who have been practicing regularly for a little over a year.
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CD In The Sweet By and By
My Jesus I Love Thee (Early Intermediate)
Song Sample My Jesus I Love Thee
Lesson Sample My Jesus I Love Thee
This arrangement is in the keys of D and E and presents three different left hand accompaniment patterns that the student can use for not only this song but other songs as well. The song is fully demonstrated and then taught completely "by ear" without music, print or video. This lesson is suitable for most adult students who have been practicing regularly for a little over a year.
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CD My Jesus I Love Thee
It Is Well With My Soul (Early Intermediate)
Song Sample It Is Well With My Soul
Lesson Sample It Is Well With My Soul
In this all-audio lesson you will learn an early-intermediate arrangement of this famous hymn without the use of music or video. This not only lets you learn the song faster but also develops your ability to pick out other songs "by ear." This lesson is suitable for most adult students who have been practicing regularly for a little over a year.
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CD It Is Well With My Soul
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (Early Intermediate)
Song Sample Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Lesson Sample Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
In this all-audio lesson you will learn an early-intermediate arrangement of the hymn using three different accompaniment patterns in the left hand. This allows you to not only learn the hymn for performance but to also learn different ways of arranging the accompaniment for use in other songs. This lesson is suitable for most adult students who have been practicing regularly for a little over a year.
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CD Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Be Thou My Vision (Early Intermediate)
Lesson Sample Be Thou My Vision
In this "By Ear" lesson you will learn an early-intermediate arrangement of "Be Thou My Vision" in three different styles. This allows you to not only learn the hymn for performance but to also learn different ways of arranging the accompaniment for use in other songs. This lesson is suitable for most adult students who have been practicing regularly for a little over a year.
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CD Be Thou My Vision
Great is Thy Faithfulness (Early Intermediate)
Song Sample Great is Thy Faithfulness
Lesson Sample Great is Thy Faithfulness
In this "By Ear" lesson you will learn an early-intermediate arrangement of "Great is Thy Faithfulness" in three different styles. This allows you to not only learn the hymn for performance but to also learn different ways of arranging the accompaniment for use in other songs. This lesson is suitable for most adult students who have been practicing regularly for a little over a year.
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CD Great is Thy Faithfulness
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Early Intermediate Solo)
In this all-audio lesson you will learn an early-intermediate arrangement of the hymn in three different styles. This allows you to not only learn the hymn for performance but to also learn different ways of arranging the accompaniment for use in other songs. This lesson is suitable for most adult students who have been practicing regularly for a little over a year.
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CD Come Thou Fount
Perfect (Late Intermediate Solo)
In the style of The Piano Guys. In this Piano By Ear lesson you will learn The Piano Guys arrangement of the Ed Sheeran hit, "Perfect," completely "by ear." The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song followed by a detailed "note-by-note" description of each measure of the arrangement including the fingering. Learning by ear is fast and easy and it develops your ability to pick out other songs "by ear."
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CD Perfect
Jack's Lament (Nightmare Before Christmas)
In this all-audio lesson you will learn a late intermediate level piano solo of "Jack's Lament." The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song and then proceeds to teach the entire song 'by ear," describing every note and finger in two to four measure sections. This is a fun song to learn for either Halloween or Christmas!
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CD Jack's Lament
Invention no. 8 BWV 779 (Bach)
This is the original version and not an arrangement. In this lesson you will learn this 2 voice invention by Bach completely "by ear!" The song is fully demonstrated and then taught "by ear" using no print, music or video. Each measure is broken down note-by-note with fingering and tips on technique.
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CD Invention no. 8
Windows of My Eyes - Cuby and Blizzards (Piano Pro)
Song Sample Windows of My Eyes
Lesson Sample Windows of My Eyes
In this lesson you learn the actual keyboard part played on the original recording (Piano Pro). The lesson also includes a full demonstration of the song and backing tracks to perform with once you have learned how to play the piece.
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CD Windows of My Eyes
Maple Leaf Rag - Joplin (Early Advanced)
This is the original version and not an arrangement. Next to "The Entertainer," this song is one of the most recognizable ragtime pieces by Scott Joplin. This "by ear" lesson starts with a full demonstration of the piece and then works you through the entire song note-by-note with a full description of fingering, pedaling, and technique. This song is rated as an early advanced level piece.
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CD Maple Leaf Rag
The Homecoming (Early Intermediate)
In this all-audio lesson you will learn the main theme song from the 70's movie with the same name. This instrumental piece is taught completely "by ear" so there is no music, print or video to contend with. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then teaches the entire piece in two to four measure sections, describing each note and finger used.
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CD The Homecoming
Dream Chaser (Intermediate)
This intricate yet calming Kyle Landry instrumental piece is taught completely "by ear" so there is no music, print or video to contend with. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song and then teaches the entire piece in two to four measure sections, describing each note and finger used.
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CD Dream Chaser
Let It Go (Intermediate)
Song Sample Let it Go Intermediate
Lesson Sample Let It Go Intermediate
This Frozen hit makes a great Intermediate level piano solo and you can learn this one totally "By Ear!" This lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song which is then followed by a detailed lesson demonstrating and explaining every phrase and note of the song without the use of music, print or video. What a fast and easy way to learn this great Disney hit. This song is also available in a late Beginner level.
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CD Let It Go Intermediate
Let It Go (Late Beginner)
Song Sample Let it Go Late Beginner
Lesson Sample Let It Go Late Beginner
Late Beginner
This Frozen hit makes a great late beginner piano solo and you can learn this one totally "By Ear!" This lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song which is then followed by a detailed lesson demonstrating and explaining every phrase and note of the song without the use of music, print or video. What a fast and easy way to learn this great Disney hit. This song is also available in an Intermediate level.
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CD Let It Go Late Beginner
To A Wild Rose (Edward MacDowell)
Early Intermediate
"To A Wild Rose" is one of this American composer's most recognized pieces. It is only an early intermediate level piece so it is suitable for most second year adult students. The lesson begins with a full demonstration of the song followed by a totally all-audio lesson detailing every note and finger.
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CD To A Wild Rose
Clair De Lune (Claude Debussy)
Early Advanced
This lesson is based upon the original version of the song in they key of D flat. This is not a simplified arrangement. This song is considered an early advanced level piece so it is suitable for most third or fourth year adult students who have played consistently. The lesson includes a full demonstration at the beginning and then sections of the song are played and taught in two to four measure sections. There is more detailed instruction on unusual or more difficult passages.
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CD Clair De Lune
We Three Kings (Intermediate Duet)
Song Sample We Three Kings Duet
Lesson Sample We Three Kings Duet
Piano Duet - Intermediate
You and a friend can celebrate Christmas this year with this fun duet of a Christmas Classic! Both parts of the duet are taught completely by ear and there are separate demonstration tracks for each part to listen to and play along with.
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CD We Three Kings Duet
White Christmas (Beginner Solo)
Song Sample White Christmas Beginner
Lesson Sample White Christmas Beginner
Piano Accompaniment - Late Beginner
Now this Christmas standard is available as a beginner level arrangement that you can learn completely "by ear!" This lesson also includes backing tracks to play along with after you learn the song without any music, print, or video!
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CD White Christmas Beginner
One More Night With You (McMahon/Hawkins)
Piano Accompaniment - Late Beginner
Actual piano part from the recording by Ged McMahon and Kaz Hawkins. In this lesson you will learn the recorded piano hit to this minor blues hit without using music or video. The entire piano part is demonstrated at the beginning of the lesson and is then taught in two to four measure sections describing every note and finger. Learning by ear helps you learn the song faster and you memorize it while you are learning it. This alos helps you to pick out other songs by ear later.
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CD One More Night With You
Minuet in Cm (BWV Anh 121)
Piano Solo - Late Beginner
From the Notebook for Anna Magdalena compiled by Bach. (Download) Late Beginner Level. BWV Anh 121. This piece was chosen by Bach for the notebook because it served as a study in expression as well as phrasing the beauty of tone. The lesson starts with a full demonstration followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson breaking the entire song down into two to four measure sections.
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CD Minuet Cm 121
Minuet in Dm (BWV Anh 132)
Piano Solo - Early Intermediate
From the Notebook for Anna Magdalena. This minuet focuses on phrasing, legato technique and the balancing of the tone between the two hands. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the minuet followed by a detailed lesson teaching the song in two to four measure sections completely "by ear." This minuet is rated at and Early Intermediate level.
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CD Minuet Dm 132
Minuet in Gm (BWV Anh 822)
Piano Solo - Late Beginner
This is another Bach minuet in Gm that is easy to learn "by ear." The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the minuet followed by a detailed lesson teaching the song in two to four measure sections.
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CD Minuet Gm 822
Polonaise in Gm (Bach BWV Anh 119)
Piano Solo - Intermediate
The purpose of this piece is to develop phrasing and getting the timing of sixteenth notes correctly. This lesson includes a full demonstration followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson teaching the song in two to four measure sections. When you learn without print or video you memorize the song while you learn it and develop your ability to pick out other songs "by ear."
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CD Polonaise in Gm
Minuet in G no. 7 (Bach BWV Anh 116)
Lesson Sample Minuet in G no. 7
Piano Solo - Late Beginner/Early Intermediate
Bach's affinity towards this piece was its development of consistent arpeggio playing in both hands. There are also plenty of partial scale passages to develop adjacent finger coordination as well. The lesson starts with a full demonstration followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson breaking the entire song down into two to four measure sections.
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CD Minuet in G no. 7
Musette in G (Bach BWV 808)
Piano Solo - Late Beginner/Early Intermediate
This song develops finger independence in that it introduces a drone tone that must be sustained while the other fingers develop the melody and its harmonies. This song is suitable for most second year adult students. The lesson starts with a full demonstration followed by a two to four measure sectional lesson of the entire songs describing notes and fingering.
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CD Musette in G
March in G (Notebook for Anna Magdalena)
Piano Solo - Late Beginner
From the Notebook for Anna Magdelena BWV Anh. 124. Late Beginner Level. This arrangement is from the famous "Notebook for Anna Magdalena" which was a volume of songs J.S. Bach presented to his second wife full of minuets, marches, sonatinas, etc. This notebook has become very popular through the years because it contains pieces of an intermediate level that help to hone the essential skills needed for proficient keyboard playing. This lesson starts with a full demonstration followed by a two to four measure sectional lesson of the entire song describing notes and fingering.
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CD March in G
March in Eb (Notebook for Anna Magdalena)
Piano Solo - Early Intermediate
From the Notebook for Anna Magdelena BWV Anh. 127. Early Intermediate Level. This arrangement is from the famous "Notebook for Anna Magdalena" which was a volume of songs J.S. Bach presented to his second wife full of minuets, marches, sonatinas, etc. This notebook has become very popular through the years because it contains pieces of an intermediate level that help to hone the essential skills needed for proficient keyboard playing. This lesson starts with a full demonstration followed by a two to four measure sectional lesson of the entire song describing notes and fingering.
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CD March in Eb
Gavotte in Gm (J.S. Bach)
Piano Solo - Early Intermediate
From Suite in Gm BWV 822. This Gavotte is a simple but interesting piece to play since it brings in counterpoint and legato phrases against staccato accents in separate hands. When the student finishes working on this piece they will have better control of basic technique and simple trills that are essential for more advanced playing. The lesson starts with a full demonstration followed by a two to four measure sectional lesson of the entire songs describing notes and fingering.
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CD Gavotte in Gm
Bouree in Em (J.S. Bach)
Piano Solo - Early Intermediate
BWV 996. This clever and fun piece is a nice introduction into Bach's counterpoint style that set him up as the king of the Baroque period. The lesson starts with a full demonstration followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson breaking the entire song down into two to four measure sections.
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CD Bouree in Em
You Say (Late Beginner Solo)
Song Sample You Say Late Beginner
Lesson Sample You Say Late Beginner
Piano Solo - Late Beginner
This Lauren Daigle hit makes a great late beginner piano solo and this one comes with backing tracks to play along with! This lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song with tracks and is followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson demonstrating and explaining every phrase and note of the song. At the end of the lessons there are backing tracks to practice and perform with!
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CD You Say Late Beginner
Aerith's Theme from Final Fantasy (Int)
Song Sample Aerith's Theme Intermediate
Lesson Sample Aerith's Theme Intermediate
Piano Solo - Intermediate
In this "by ear" lesson you will learn a late beginner arrangement of this famous video game theme song. This lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson demonstrating and explaining every phrase and note of the song. This song is also available in a late beginner level arrangement. Learning "by ear" is the fastest way to learn a song and memorize it at the same time.
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CD Aerith's Theme Intermediate
Aerith's Theme from Final Fantasy (LB)
Song Sample Aerith's Theme Late Beginner
Lesson Sample Aerith's Theme Late Beginner
Piano Solo - Late Beginner
In this "by ear" lesson you will learn a late beginner arrangement of this famous video game theme song. This lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson demonstrating and explaining every phrase and note of the song. This song is also available in an intermediate level arrangement. Learning "by ear" is the fastest way to learn a song and memorize it at the same time.
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CD Aerith's Theme Late Beginner
Hill Street Blues Theme Song
Lesson Sample Hill Street Blues
Piano Solo - Early Intermediate
The television series "Hill Street Blues" was a first in many areas but none as impacting as this unforgettable theme song by Mike Post. This lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson demonstrating and explaining every phrase and note of the song. This is a fast way to learn this landmark piano piece and memorize it at the same time.
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CD Hill Street Blues
Comptine D'un Autre Ete (Yann Tiersen)
Piano Solo - Intermediate
This modern neo-classical piece by the French composer Yann Tiersen is a clever piece which builds upon a recurring pattern in the left hand. The four sections continuously develop the themes until, by the end of the piece, you have been carried on a musical adventure while never leaving the underpinning sea of the left hand's repeating pattern. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson demonstrating and explaining every phrase and note of the song. This is a fast way to learn this moving piece while memorizing it at the same time.
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CD Comptine
Adagio by Tomaso Albinoni
Piano Solo - Intermediate
Albinoni was a Baroque era composer of primarily operas and yet his most famous piece is this simple and beautiful Adagio for the piano. This lesson includes a full demonstration of the song followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson describing every note and its fingering in two to four measure sections. When you learn a song by ear you learn it faster and you memorize it as you are learning it.
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CD Adagio Albinoni
Sway (latin style piano solo)
Piano Solo - Intermediate
This latin-style hit has been sung and played for decades and it doesn't look like it will ever go away (and that is a good thing!) In this lesson you will learn an intermediate level arrangement of this super song without using print, music or video. The lesson starts with a full demonstration of the song followed by a detailed "by ear" lesson demonstrating and explaining every phrase and note of the song. What a fast and easy way to learn a really great song!!
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CD Sway