Intro to the Piano for the Visually Impaired Downloadable

Intro to the Piano for the Visually Impaired (Downloadable)- level 1

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    Market price: $45.00, you save $10.00
  • $35.00
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Intro to the Piano for the Visually Impaired is a four CD equivalent Downloadable course that teaches the basics of playing the piano without using any written or Braille notation. In the course the student will learn the keys of C and G, the songs Minuet in G by Bach and the Rose, and the Theme from Love Story. Even those who are totally blind can now learn to play the piano at their own pace.

This course is also available in a package deal with Piano Course 2 which you can find HERE

and with the Piano by Ear EZ Solos 1 lesson containing 5 additional songs HERE

Once you have learned the basics of the piano you can start using lessons from the Piano by Ear library. For a complete list of all of our Piano by Ear titles click HERE

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